Tog Mog Grog & Spirits

Tog Mog Tower_smallHere’s another update on my hex (17:12, Ships’ Folly) in Trenkars Landing. This is a quick writeup of what’s going on in one of the five lighthouses.

Tog Mog Grog & Spirits is  a strange tavern in the lower part of Tog Mog Tower, one of the five lighthouses in Ships’ Folly.

Back in the day, when the five lighthouses were constructed, a keeper was appointed to each lighthouse. Today, hundreds of years later, all keepers are long dead or gone. All except Tog Mog.

Tog Mog is a human warlock in his mid-five-hundreds. How has he manages to celebrate so many birthdays without becoming undead? Because he is not allowed to die, that’s why. He has entered a pact with Krai-Chandada Krai, an ancient and malevolent cockroach spirit which Continue reading

[map] Trenkar’s Landing: hex1712

Here’s some work in progress of my little corner of Trenkar’s Landing, hex1712.

What I have to work with here is a pure water hex, so I’ve opted for a reef area, dotted with lighthouses. The shoals dotted with reefs and islands are a nightmare to nagvigate, so five lighthouses were constructed to help ships pass through. At least that was the reason given upon petitioning for funds to construct the lighthouses. The real reason is more sinister. The beacons were erected at each corner in a pentagram, and when all are lighted on a foggy night, and their beam is shone in the correct direction, a pentagram can be seen from the skies. Thus the lighthouses are infrastructure for a gigantic summoning symbol.

But this is a long time ago, and only a few individuals hold the secret of the true purpose of behind these buildings.

More on this as the story develops! Meanwhile, here’s the map, version 1.

trenkars_landing_hex1712_v1 small

Trenkar’s Landing, a crowdsourced fantasy setting

I’ve joined the crowdsourced sandbox setting dubbed Trenkar’s Landing. So far there are just above one hundred (!) participants! Here is the map of all assigned hexes, as of today.

Screenshot 2014-10-23 21.35.18

As you can see, I’m at 17.12, a sea hex.

This is such a cool initiative, and I’m very excited to be part of this snowball. Who knows if it’ll melt in two minutes or grow to become the a glacier!

From me, a lighthouse and some strange shoals coming up. Expect to see a draft of that area right here and very soon!

[map] A Mine and a Tomb

06 - A Mine and a TombA band of unusually earnest halflings have shown up and purchased a claim half way up Phish Creek. They’ve repurposed the old mine and started a frantic excavation.

What could drive these usually sedate folks to such an effort?

The villagers of Thriceborough have been asking themselves, and the halflings every time they come into town to resupply, this question many times, but nothing has come of it so far. Of course, there are rumours; money owed, a promise to keep, a ghost.

And for once, the rumours are Continue reading

[map] The Elemental Forge

The dungeon on Twinge Isle, including the Elemental Forge

The dungeon on Twinge Isle, including the Elemental Forge

Out on the reef called Ships’ Folly lies the island and lighthouse called The Crabs. Its beaches are home to millions of crabs from a dozen different species. Many a sailor has leapt barefoot into the water to pull up a boat on the beach, only to find that his feet has now been stripped of all flesh, with only a sorry pair of skeletal Continue reading