[Map] The Island Seis

I’ve been drawing a lot on my iPad Pro lately, so I thought it would be a nice change to go back to paper for a bit. Here’s the map I came up with, and I think it turned out well. The top version has a digitally added background (an old paper texture), but the bottom version is a pure vanilla scan from my paper journal.

The Island Seis

The Island Seis is not your typical tourist destination. Rowdy pirates? Check. Dour swamp? Thirsty mosquitoes? Malicious voodoo witches? Check. Check. Check. But then, these nasty factors work in favour of those who hang out here. It’s an unwelcoming pirate haven, slightly, but not too far off from, some very lucrative trade routes. And that suits the inhabitants just fine.

Seis has two ports: Crapola and Port Fyshbite. Both towns are located within a protective lagoon, Crapola to the southwest and Port Fyshbite to the northeast.



Crapola has about 500 permanent residents, and about twice Continue reading

[Map] Crimson Tide Tower

Lo, my first ever submission to the One Page Dungeon contest! No disclaimers about lack of time or artistic practice, just the adventure for ya. Please let me know what you think!

crimson tide tower

Crimson Tide Tower [color PDF]
Crimson Tide Tower [black & white PDF]

Though I gotta say, a quick look at one of my fellow competitors makes me realise I’m not a pro yet. Check out Werkes submission for some eye-searing goodness. That’s a nice piece of design right there.

[Map] Sixton


Sixton and surrounding area

The red marks are demon lord statue locations.

The marsh to the west is very unsafe, full of Skavens worshipping Slaners.

The lake to the east is not safe. There are squid-skulls mutated by the presence of Cthulhu, lurking about.

The railroad tunnel project south-east of town accidentally broke through a wall to an old Nurgle temple. It was quickly sealed off and the tunnel is mostly safe again, if you disregard those workers slowly turning yellow and undead.

South-west of town, up in the mountains, some berserker dwarves are excavating out a old statue of Khorne. All who approach the place also go berserk.

Sixton is a murky town in a dark world. But we were in need of a map for our weekly Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign, so I drew one. I used my new and shiny iPad Pro + Pencil for this project, so if you want the map without the red marks, it’s easy to fix. Let me know and I’ll whip up a new version.

[map] Tybalds Hallow

tybalds_hallow_fixWhat used to be a sleepy outpost of civilization, mostly getting by on barley, potatoes and sardines, have recently turned in to a busy commercial hub after a substantial silver ore was discovered in the hills just west of the mountains. Merchants, burglars, pimps and other middlemen are establishing shop in the small town, and the local sheriff Brigolda Twotooth is having a hard time keeping order. Continue reading

[map] Trenkar’s Landing: hex1712

Here’s some work in progress of my little corner of Trenkar’s Landing, hex1712.

What I have to work with here is a pure water hex, so I’ve opted for a reef area, dotted with lighthouses. The shoals dotted with reefs and islands are a nightmare to nagvigate, so five lighthouses were constructed to help ships pass through. At least that was the reason given upon petitioning for funds to construct the lighthouses. The real reason is more sinister. The beacons were erected at each corner in a pentagram, and when all are lighted on a foggy night, and their beam is shone in the correct direction, a pentagram can be seen from the skies. Thus the lighthouses are infrastructure for a gigantic summoning symbol.

But this is a long time ago, and only a few individuals hold the secret of the true purpose of behind these buildings.

More on this as the story develops! Meanwhile, here’s the map, version 1.

trenkars_landing_hex1712_v1 small

Trenkar’s Landing, a crowdsourced fantasy setting

I’ve joined the crowdsourced sandbox setting dubbed Trenkar’s Landing. So far there are just above one hundred (!) participants! Here is the map of all assigned hexes, as of today.

Screenshot 2014-10-23 21.35.18

As you can see, I’m at 17.12, a sea hex.

This is such a cool initiative, and I’m very excited to be part of this snowball. Who knows if it’ll melt in two minutes or grow to become the a glacier!

From me, a lighthouse and some strange shoals coming up. Expect to see a draft of that area right here and very soon!